Beautiful People

It is often quoted that “Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder”. Look at the painting above, I am sure almost everybody would say that it captures a beautiful woman. But the thing with beauty is that it is abstract. No one, nothing can give one definition, a single framework that can measure the beauty of every individual.

I say that beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder and also in the eyes of the beholden. Beauty is an intensive property, it never fades. Rather I would say that the true elixir of the beauty of any person is their passion, and like a delicious wine, the beauty of any person grows with time, becoming more potent with each moment that passes imprinted with the passion of this individual.

As I pointed out earlier, to find true beauty of a person, look into their eyes, where their elixir is really reflected, where the soul shines through and you can see the beauty in the wrinkled face of your old grandmother, the big eyes of your new puppy, the tired eyes of your father as he comes home after the day’s work( who says beauty is for females only? :P)  and most importantly, you can see the beauty shining back at you when you look at the mirror.  So go, live your passion and be beautiful. 🙂