
“Maybe we’re all part of the same unconscious stew, dreaming the same dreams, hoping the same hopes, needing the same connection, trying to find it, missing, trying again—each of us playing our parts in the other’s plots, just one big ball of human yarn tangled up together. Maybe this is it.”
― Libba Bray

Late Night Musings

It is way past midnight here and sleep seems miles away. So, I will jot down something that is running on a loop in my mind. Do wishes come true? I had wished for something last summer. I have been waiting for it to come true for so long now. But I do not see any way by which it can come true. I know some would quote ‘The Secret’ here and say that when you really, truly, wish for something, it will come true and you don’t have to know the ‘how’ of it and just believe in the power of your faith.

Well, I really want that wish to come true and I have believed in it till now but lets say this is my question to the universe: How do you plan to manifest this in my life? I don’t want to look like a fool; so go ahead, give me what I wished for. Rekindle that flame of hope. Give me a sign. Nurture my faith.

Yours skeptically,


Mirror, Mirror

She was fond of mirrors, the joy of seeing herself look back at herself was something she had discovered since infancy. She used to make her hair into perfect pigtails when she was seven. Then when she was seventeen, she used to apply the perfect shade of lipstick perfectly. She was beautiful as a girl, as a woman, she grew exquisite. She turned heads wherever she went. She was happy that she was this beautiful that people forgot their words when they saw her. Not because of this effect on others, but because she was in love with herself. She thought being beautiful was a wonderful thing.

But then other girls became jealous, boys became her friends just so that they could be with her and brag about it. She was at the receiving end of a lot of harsh comments, she was looked upon as a beautiful ‘thing’. As if all she had was her beauty and no brains, no feelings, no expectations.

By the time she was twenty, she was furious. She was still in love with herself, she was still fond of mirrors, but it was not just a beautiful woman that stared back at her from behind the glass, it was an ethereal, enigmatic being. She used to be a volcano, but this journey from girlhood to womanhood, lighted a fire in her that burnt her down, yet she arose as a mighty phoenix. The fire never left her, she made it her own. She was then determined to burn a hole in the sky, by becoming the brightest star that ever shone.