Late Night Musings

It is way past midnight here and sleep seems miles away. So, I will jot down something that is running on a loop in my mind. Do wishes come true? I had wished for something last summer. I have been waiting for it to come true for so long now. But I do not see any way by which it can come true. I know some would quote ‘The Secret’ here and say that when you really, truly, wish for something, it will come true and you don’t have to know the ‘how’ of it and just believe in the power of your faith.

Well, I really want that wish to come true and I have believed in it till now but lets say this is my question to the universe: How do you plan to manifest this in my life? I don’t want to look like a fool; so go ahead, give me what I wished for. Rekindle that flame of hope. Give me a sign. Nurture my faith.

Yours skeptically,


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