
Like night in a forest, like mountains in springtime, like a walk in the rain, like a sleepy blue ocean, like a cool evening of a summer’s day, like a smile on the face of a beloved, like mewls from a newborn puppy, like a garden of roses…… Beauty, Tranquility, Wonder and all the marvel of the world lies around here, somewhere near, waiting to be stumbled upon, amidst the chaos of life. It waits oh so silently, waiting for a dreary soul to come across, so that it may nourish and soothe us. Cherish these small things, like an oasis in the desert, for they are big rewards in truth.

A Prayer


My Lord God, I have no idea where I am going. I do not see the road ahead of me. I cannot know for certain where it will end. Nor do I really know myself, and the fact that I think that I am following your will does not mean that I am actually doing so. But I believe that the desire to please you does in fact please you. And I hope I have that desire in all that I am doing. I hope that I will never do anything apart from that desire. And I know that if I do this, you will lead me by the right road though I may know nothing about it. Therefore will I trust you always though I may seem to be lost and in the shadow of death. I will not fear, for you are ever with me, and you will never leave me to face my perils alone.


“I am being rowed through Paradise on a river of Hell.
Exquisite ghost. It is night.
The paddle is a heart; it breaks the porcelain waves.
I hid my pain even from myself; I revealed my pain only to myself.
The paddle is a heart; it breaks the porcelain waves.
I am rowed – as it withers – toward the breeze which is soft, as if it had pity on me.”

                                                                                                                                           —- Aga Shahid Ali

Celebrating Women!


In the Hindu scriptures, the female power is called Shakti, and it is the energy that keeps the world going. The female is the embodiment of this energy and the female is thus nurturing but carries within herself this very energy that makes her powerful. The Shakti may be Lakshmi, i.e. wealth, or Durga i.e. power or Saraswati i.e. Knowledge.

The Hindus celebrate a nine day fest called Navraatri (meaning both nine nights and new night) which marks the beginning of a new Hindu Calendar. The nine forms of Shakti are worshiped each of the nine days and the ninth day is a special day for this day, a special feast for girls is organised called the Kanya Poojan.

Each family invites girls to their home and the girls are worshiped, and presents are given to them. Then the girls feast on traditional Indian recipes. The ninth day in the Navraatri celebrates the Advent of Goddess Durga and the killing of the demon Mahishasura.

The Navraatri is a celebration of being a woman, it is an appreciation of the various roles that women play in the society; as a daughter, a sister, a friend, a lover, a wife, a mother and as a protecting, nurturing entity that gives love and warmth to the world. 



Becoming a Story

You are the hero/heroine of your life, it is your story, so why should others hold the pen. Snatch back that pen. Go on, write your story yourself, because nobody else can tell it better than you.  People just know your name, well most of them actually don’t know much about you, but they assume and they think they have figured you out. Show them that they know zilch about you, they don’t know your story. Your past is not your story, your appearance is not your story. Your story is cradled in your heart, that saga which you wish others would know and you don’t know how to tell them. Write it down somewhere, anywhere. Preserve it. All the petty drama, all the nuisance of the daily jingle doesn’t matter. You are above it. You are larger than this. 

Then take action. Once you decide how your story will end, strive to achieve that ending. Work for it. Push onward, make your life a story that everyone would read and draw inspiration from. You are a star in the making, so shine bright. Don’t compare yourself with others, don’t waste your time doing so. Your story will go at the pace you decide, at which you feel comfortable. Your life is not a race, it is your story. Be the poet and the poem. If you don’t find a muse, be your own muse. Don’t cry over instances that hurt you, smile and look forward because time is flowing that way, your story is going to happen that way. Don’t be sad when a chapter ends because there are many more to come.

Keep in mind, not all stories have happy endings, (although work wholeheartedly towards it)  but then be a memorable story, be an enchanting person, make this world beautiful by your presence.