Innocence Lost

I’m on a rewind suddenly,

Don’t know what happened today

I just wanna read from those

old pages, old tales from a

time almost forgotten.


I look back and I see you

and I see your smile that used to

light up that universe of mine.

And it hits me, look

how the tides of time turn.


Walking down the memory lane,

I see that little girl planting roses,

Amazement makes her eyes shine.

And I realize, this story that’s ours

is a  story of innocence lost in time.

A Goodbye

Ever look out towards the horizon? Yes it is that place where Sky kisses the Earth. Ever wonder why oh why it lasts only a few moments before the illusion shatters into bitter reality? Me meeting you all those years ago was the horizon stepping into my life Oh I hoped hope against hope that this bond would last forever. Stupid me, I made an illusion into my reality. You are the radiant moon shining in the skies and I am after all just a silly girl who was dazzled out of her senses when your light touched her. I gave you a piece of my soul and it was trampled upon. No I don’t mean that you are cruel but I am now realizing how I am the one, the only one who rushes to your side whenever you call out for me and oh I don’t pay heed to my own life, my own self whenever you need me. But hey you said it yourself you can never put anyone above your passion for your work. Yes now I feel like a doll of flesh and blood who was just used whenever you felt like it and oh I feel like such a fool now when I look back and see how I put your wishes ahead of mine always. The cracks were there but now they have deepened and our bond, the one that I held so deeply in my heart is about to break.

This is the part when I gather myself and break the spell which you had cast upon me. I was so alone when I needed you beside me, you hurt me so many times and I forgave you even when you didn’t apologise. You said that we are all really alone when it comes to fighting life’s battles. You didn’t even realize that I didn’t need you to fight my battles for me, I just wanted you to be there by my side, ready to catch me if I fall. Well, guess what, I fell and I fell so hard that all my hopes crumbled. Yet you were so far away. I didn’t complain. Not because I didn’t want to, but because I knew it would fall on deaf ears. I had by then understood my lowly place in your life.

So when midnight comes today, I will let you go away, away from my heart, from my life. You will enter another year of your life tonight and I will be there smiling and bidding you goodbye. This is my birthday wish for you my dearest, may you achieve all that you wanted to and conquer new skies and be happy always and may always miss me and some day realize that I loved you so dearly that it consumed me. Happy Birthday my love!