The Beauty Of A Storm


Her eyes were the twin oceans
That beckoned onlookers to
Take a plunge and lose themselves
Her delicate frame
Looked as if borrowed from
Some water goddess, her locks
Fell over her face as a waterfall
Of silk, she did not belong to the Sun,
Nay, the rain, it became her.

Her love, it was soothing as the rain,
In the desert of loneliness, she came
Like the blessing of heavens pouring
Their heart out to you, with raindrops on her lips, she kissed you and it
Rained in your very soul.

By Autumn, she drained herself
Away, far from your life,
But she etched her name,
Your heart will always bear
Her mark; and when you’ll
Walk in the rain, your call
For her will pour out of your eyes. 
In the floating clouds, you will
See her face cover the horizon,
And the thunder will remind you
Of her laughter, for she wasn’t
Just rain encased in flesh and blood,
Hers was the beauty of a Storm.



A constant avalanche.
They fall upon me in heaps,
And I stagger on my feet,
Oh it is so hard to contain them
And they are but mine, all mine.

A perennial river.
They creep into my blood
And flow through me, the
Sustenance for my very being.
The room falls scant, how
Do I keep myself from
Bursting from within?

They emerge from the depths
Of my heart, from the recesses
Of my mind and take shape in the
Forge of my slumber, beneath
The shadow of my eyelids
These dreams, they stretch their wings
And take my spirit for a ride