A Soul On Fire


Barely contained wildness, she was a thousand persons living in one skin. a butterfly, utterly oblivious of her own beauty, she flitted from one place to another. The eternal wanderer, she loved the journey more than the destination itself. She had a voice, a voice with some indescribable quality about it, her voice was magic that drew people to her like a siren’s song, seducing and captivating their minds and poor mortals, they became all too ready to lay their hearts at her feet.

She was the beauty that soothed and haunted at the same time, they would long for her forever after. She was a starlit sky and the fire of a volcano. Her company was as cozy as the fire of a hearth, that took you on a journey of conversations so deep that you would bare all your skeletons to her sight.
She was the flame that licked at you until you faded into nothingness. She was the fire that called at your wildest dreams, daring you to venture onto roads never taken before. She was the fire that devoured you until you ceased to exist.

She burned and burned in solitude, she burned like a star setting the skies aflame: yours to witness, but never to conquer. She was not merely a woman, she was indeed a soul on fire.