
As if they were oceans,

swirling, churning, deep, dark

oceans of delicious molten chocolate,

those eyes of yours,

they tempted me to wander and lose myself.

Those eyes, they wove some strange spell.


As if it were the first ray of the day,

lighting up the world, painting that bleak

grey sky into colors of dawn,

that smile of yours,

it beckoned me to shake off leftovers of nightmares.

That smile, it wove some strange spell.


As if you were some white knight

from a long lost lore,

making sad children smile and

nursing injured puppies

that heart of gold, that resplendent heart of yours,

it enchanted me to fall, fall for you.

That heart, it cast some strange spell.



A Work of Art


She was not pretty. In fact, she looked so plain that you could pass by her on a road without noticing her at all. Oh and I forgot to mention, she was clumsiness personified. You would usually find her apologizing to people, pets and things that she bumped into. But remember what they say about appearances? Hers was deceptive too.

Beneath the mask of her face was a golden, resplendent heart and a fiery soul. Beyond the first, casual, cursory look, she was a rare work of art, waiting to be discovered. I saw her one day, admiring a rose struggling with the snow, determined to blossom. I saw how she inhaled deeply, with her eyes half closed, as if she wanted to steal the fragrance from the half bud, half flower and claim it for herself; I saw the way her cheeks bloomed with the same rosy hue; then she opened her eyes and they shone with an ethereal light,one that reminded me of a moonlit sky and a starlit sea.

She was a beauty that permeated my skin to reach somewhere deep in my being and nourished my starving soul. She was not pretty at all, yet she was the most beautiful woman I had ever laid my eyes on.


I feel it swirling around me in thick waves,

all around me, as the air that I breathe

turns heavy with its weight. This magic, it

seeps slowly from lands unknown, like a gift from

family that you’ve never seen. Oh see,

look out your window, the leaves all fall down

to weave a colorful carpet for you

The morning air greets me with a bite,

like a nip from my playful puppy.


It’s that time of the year again

when children in my neighborhood will

play with snowmen again and my grandma

will bake apples covered in chocolate and

caramel sauce. Soon, a mist will accompany

my evenings and descend upon my garden

like a curtain from a fairytale and remind me,

I could be Snowhite, Cinderella or Belle;

that I can be a child again with wonder

in my eyes and my dreams reaching the stars.


December, it’s flying to us in time’s winged

chariot; so I hold my breath, you hold yours too

and believe me when I tell you:

There are magical moments,

that wait for us to stumble upon them

and good things are on their way,

as we’ve waited for them, now they

wait to unveil themselves to us.


Don’t you worry, December is almost here,

it’ll be an end and it’ll be a beginning.

Be merry, for December is almost here,

there’ll be love and there’ll be magic!




































































From the ashes of a
burnt dream, from the
ruins of a shattered heart,
It rises like a phoenix.
Born within the embrace
of magic and the tenacity
of earth, it takes root deep,
deep in the very soul.
Playing a lost melody again,
it enters the blood like
the elixir of life, it seeps into
the skin and whispers from within,
“My dear, don’t you know,
this too shall pass?
My dear, don’t you see,
they lie here still wrapped 
in mystery, you haven’t
opened all your gifts yet.”

A Memory

A cool summer evening,

echoes with the song

Of a cuckoo bird.

It fills the soothing breeze,

The scent of mangoes ripe,

Full of their sweet juice,

Ready to tumble on

the ground.


I see a little girl

Slurping on a cone of

Icecream: chocochip flavoured

And a similar memory

Stretches within my heart as

If awakened from a deep slumber.

Pangs of bereavement slice into

My soul, oh! I ache for the

Cozy comfort of my home

And the soothing touch

Of my mother’s hand

Tapping my forehead.


With the setting sun,

I realize how life is like

A tender quilt, stitched

Together with goodbyes.


An Elegy To Love

In the ruin of my dreams,

I wander like a ghost,

Alas it was all ripped off, my

Peace, my love, my faith,

She was the one I wanted to save

Look at the cruel irony

Of life, my world

Was destroyed by her.

Was my heart just a

Cheap toy, meant to be

Played with and then broken?

I craved for her, fought for her,

Longed for her and the moment

Of her sweet consent,

That “yes” was my personal miracle.

Sifting through the sieve of reality,

Those memories burn me,

I curse the moment I

Laid eyes upon her face,

For that very face has become

My worst nightmare as it mocks

My trust, shattering it to

a thousand thousand pieces

And leaving me a torn man

As my heart is slowly twisted

Out of my chest, my world

Crumbles down at my feet

And I stand helpless,

Chained by my grief,

Looking through the blur

Of my tears as my hopes

Go up in the smoke of her betrayal.

Her voice, what used to be the

Music of my life, now

Drifts over and I hear apologies

But her words now tumble

Away like dry leaves in a wind,

I close my eyes and I see

Her, my very life, as she

Slips away into the arms

Of another, her sighs, her passion

Now haunt my mind, tear at

My soul and now I understand

Why they, who keep their hearts

Locked away, do so.


The taste still lingers,

I drank from the oceans

To get a clue of you.

I search and search but

Alas you seem like

The bright shining star,

High up in the skies,

Searing my soul with

All your heat, dazzling

Me with all your light.

But still I cannot, cannot

Feel your texture against

My skin, beneath my fingers.

I swam to the horizon,

Just so I could be a tiny bit

Closer to you and yet I

Longed to touch you,

You just smiled from

Your bed of clouds,

Basking in the company

Of the fair Moon.

I dream of you,

My heart sings for you

And my soul yearns for you

They tell me this ocean, this

Moon and their game

Are all omens,omens to guide

Us to each other, but they never

Tell me, never, how to decipher

The secret language that these

Omens whisper in, for all my

Love for you, has yet to

Turn me into the oracle

That would converse with

The universe and call out

To you in a lover’s voice.

The Sense Of Duty

paintings dragons call of duty science-fiction dragon painting cool sci fi black monster HD Wallpaper

A cold fire rages on and on

yet the heart desires what it must.

Time slips away moment by moment,

still I wait for what may not arrive.


I take a peek, there are bars that

block out chunks of the sky that

I so desperately crave to touch, to conquer.

They who had embedded deep in my soul

the idea of my duty now sing nay, nay.


A war goes on and on, I am

the innocent bystander, the marching

cavalry, the mighty queen and also

the dying soldier. They don’t understand,

my cries fall on deaf ears,

my words wither away,

my tears turn red.


They tell me they are wounded,

it lies beyond my comprehension

how I am to blame.

The God of war after all

thrives on blood, demands it.

My very essence is their creation,

they forget what they sung to me

in lullabies at night,

they don’t remember they made me

repeat to myself with each breath,

that my duty, my only duty

is finally to my heart.


Once Upon A Dream

As if she drank the moonlight

when the night had fallen,

They shone with a twinkle

this morning, her eyes.


Each word, each syllable was

dipped in honey mayhap;

yes, they who listened to her

were enchanted today, it carried a

lilt of some unheard melody, her voice.


She saw the world today

as if dawn had painted it

in colors tinted with pixie dust,

her feet tapped to a rhythm

she hadn’t heard before,

the world was suddenly

a magical place, cause she was

kissed by a dream today.




Innocence Lost

I’m on a rewind suddenly,

Don’t know what happened today

I just wanna read from those

old pages, old tales from a

time almost forgotten.


I look back and I see you

and I see your smile that used to

light up that universe of mine.

And it hits me, look

how the tides of time turn.


Walking down the memory lane,

I see that little girl planting roses,

Amazement makes her eyes shine.

And I realize, this story that’s ours

is a  story of innocence lost in time.